sound's force

Posted by Rahul. R. Nair on Oct. 12, 2014, 9:36 a.m.

Theory on sound.

Sound is not a merely form of vibrations in the air. Many of them think that sound is a form of vibrations. But no one thinks how these vibrations are caused. These vibrations are caused by the following factors:-

The sounds (vibrations) of a body are caused by:-

1.     The shape of the object.

2.     The mass of the object.

3.     The force acting on that object.

4.     The surface it is caused.

5.     The effect it causes before producing the vibrations.

6.     The vibration of particles after the effect.

7.     Mode of the medium.

8.     Law of conservation of momentum.

Sound is always caused by the interaction of 2 objects. No sound can produced without the interaction of 2 objects.

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